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2 Timothy 2:1-13 Discussion Guide


2 Timothy 2

In a Nutshell

Paul told Timothy to remain strong in faith despite hardship or opposition. He gave four illustrations from common experience to underscore the need as well as the logic of his instruction. Paul then reminded Timothy of the essence of the gospel and the great security he had in Christ, concluding with instructions for holiness and useful service in Christ’s kingdom.[1]

Pray: Pray that the Spirit will guide and empower your discussion today. Ask Him to speak clearly to your group.

Group Discussion Questions: As you reflect on the sermon this week, how did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart? Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

Read and discuss vv. 1-7

  • In Verse 1 Paul Calls Timothy to be “Strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” How is Timothy to do this?
    What about achieving this by his/our own abilities? Is that possible?
  • Terry stated that this verse is a foundational verse for life. What are the implications for us?
  • Read verse 2. How would you summarize the verse? How is the Gospel to spread, how is the world changed?
  • “Be strong in the grace of God.” Terry spoke of a great tension here for us to maintain of “take full responsibility/put full trust in God.” Have your group discuss this tension. What are the implications?
    (remember, that great tension, “take full responsibility, put full trust in God” works in real life, but it requires real life work.)
  • Verse 3 begins, “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” Unpack what is meant by endure.
  • In verses 3-6, Paul uses an example of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer as a single illustration. What was his point?
  • What can we learn from an example of the solder, Athlete, and farmer?
  • Discuss DG and the sacrifice, rewards, and fruit that are seen within the examples Paul Gives. Can you make an application for your own life? Share it with the group.
  • In verse 7, Paul calls Timothy to reflect on the three examples given. Why?
  • What is the implication for Timothy and us?

Read and Discuss vv. 8-13

  • Think about the suffering Paul is going through. How did Paul respond to his suffering?
  • Why is he willing to suffer so much?
  • Terry stated, “We can sometimes become surprised and dismayed when our fidelity to the gospel doesn’t result in an abundance of physical, mental, and social blessings for us.” Have you ever felt this way? What was your response?
  • Read verse 10 and think about the word “endure” it’s one of Paul’s favorite words. How did Terry describe Paul’s use of the word endure?


Terry said the passage discussed is about faithfulness. God’s grace is available for us to train now—to endure faithfully—this side of the bang. Opportunities abound for us to train for godliness. Train your heart and mind to be faithful. Don’t merely contemplate the hypothetical “I wonder if I would be faithful if I were persecuted for my faith?” Pay attention to the actual “Are you currently actively forgiving others, dying to pettiness, letting people fail you, and giving them grace. Sacrifice your time rather than hoard it.

Application: How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your heart today? What personal implications can you make from today’s discussion? Ask yourself, “What do I need God to do in me or through me due to today’s discussion?”

[1] Larson, K. (2000). I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Vol. 9, p. 278). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

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