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2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Discussion Guide


2 Thessalonians 1

Group Discussion Questions:

As you reflect on the sermon this week, how did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart?

Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

In a Nutshell

Unlike other letters, Paul made no assertions of his apostleship or authority in 2 Thessalonians. Instead, he wrote a very personal, gentle letter to the believers in Thessalonica who were suffering for their faith. He urged their continued perseverance, good behavior, love, and faith. He reminded them of Christ’s coming, at which time the unbeliever would receive punishment, while the Christian would obtain honor, glory, and the eternal presence of Christ Jesus.[1]

Terry stated, “This second letter was like a second round of antibiotics for a stubborn infection…the first round, his first letter, was effective, but a second round, a second letter was needed to ensure full health.” I thought this was a helpful way to think of this second letter.

Read and discuss verses 1-5

Paul was grateful to see that their love was flourishing. They grew in love for God and others as they went through difficulties.

As you’ve gone through difficulties, have those difficulties caused you to grow in love for God and others? If so, how?

In what way did trials give evidence that God was at work in their lives? What about in your own life?

Read and discuss verses 6-10

These verses deal with the justice of God. How would you summarize them in your own words?

What do we do as believers when it seems the unjust get away with their injustice?

Consider verses 8-9. These are sobering verses. How do we handle them?

When commenting on these verses, Terry stated, “The question always and forever is what is real, what is true, and will I submit to reality and believe what is true.” What about you? Where will you go as the foundation for what you believe is true and real?

Read and discuss verses 11-12

These verses are a prayer of confidence in God. What is Paul praying for?

When trouble comes, you may be tempted to feel ripped off, become angry at God or confused by him. When that happens, will you remember what your greatest good is? To live is Christ, to die is gain.)

Application: We should not live with panic, guilt, or anxiety. We should live joyful, expectant, and faithful lives. Do what God has for you to do with all your heart. How did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart today? What personal implications can you make? What do I need God to do in me or through me as a result of today’s discussion?


[1] Larson, K. (2000). I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Vol. 9, p. 94). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

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