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John 3:1–21 Discussion Guide

Read: John 3:1-21

Q1: When you became a Christian, you were born again. The change may not have been immediately noticeable or it may have been dramatic. What is true is that your life trajectory was changed. How has the gospel changed your life? Where might you be now had Jesus not saved you?

Q2: Nicodemus seemed to be a moral, religiously serious, and sincere guy. Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. What John is showing here is that even someone like Nick needs to be born again. Is it difficult for you to believe or make sense out of “good” people who never believed the gospel being separated from God forever? (I understand that there are no ultimately “good” people, so don’t give the “book” answer…this is very hard to get our minds/hearts around.)

Q3: We are often presented with a binary choice, either be kind or tell people truth. Of course, Christians have often been unkind but what does(or should) the biblical “third choice” (be kind and tell the truth) look like in practice?

Q4: When trust is high communication doesn’t have to be perfect, the lower the trust between two people the closer to perfection communication has to be. Since communication will never be perfect, we need to build trust with people who do not know Christ. Talk about the importance of building trust relationships with people in order to share the gospel with them. Tell some stories from your own experience.
*This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be ready to tell strangers the gospel as we have opportunity. It means that normally the best way to engage in effective evangelism is through relationships.

Q5: Why is it difficult for you to share the gospel with people? Please be honest and specific.

Q6: Who are the non-Christians that God has given you trust relationships with? (Talk about what the relationship looks like).

Q7: How can you work together in their lives for the gospel? Be specific. For instance, “I can invite my friend to lunch with me and someone from the group.”

Q8: How can you as a group, keep evangelism in focus?

PRAY: For faithfulness and fruit in evangelism.