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Psalm 62 Sermon Notes

INTRO: Terrible Tuesday

April 10, 1979 is known as Terrible Tuesday in Wichita Falls, TX.

On Terrible Tuesday an F4 Tornado tore through Wichita Falls. 42 people were killed and 1700 were injured.

Over the span of 3 days there were 60 tornadoes in the Texoma area.

I watched video footage and heard people tell stories of their search for shelter during the storms.

One group of people took refuge in the vault at a bank. All that was left of the bank was a slab of concrete with a concrete box (the safe) sitting in the middle of the slab.

One man told the story of him laying out spread eagle under the overpass. He said he was trying to make himself as flat and possible and he heard the storm passover head.

Sometimes there is adequate warning when storms role in – sometimes they roll up unexpectedly.

Most of those who sought out shelter on Terrible Tuesday found safety. Some found shelter at a moment’s notice in unexpected places like under an overpass or in a bank vault.

When the storms of life roll in, where do we go for shelter?

Aaron mentioned last week that God’s primary source of comfort for us is from His word.

When we experience trauma in life we can find shelter in God’s word. The circumstances may not change but through the comfort and instruction of God’s word we find shelter.

Tiff and I have experienced the loss of our fathers over the last three years. Both of those losses occurred unexpectedly. Over the last year our family has experienced unexpected relational trauma.

Trauma and suffering is disorienting.

Don’t feel sorry for me because God, through his word, has reoriented me over and over to the reality of who He is. God has revealed himself and consistently comforted me. I am grateful.

God has specifically used regular reading and meditation on the Psalms to comfort me.

What I have found in the Psalms is a real divine being listening to the complaints of his people, responding to their cries, giving instruction, demonstrating his power and justice, and walking with the lowly.

Here is what I want you to know today –

Life has been hard but God has comforted me from His word.

Life may be hard and confusing for you, but God can comfort you from His word.

Life may be “all good” for you right now – great! When the storm rolls in, it is a bad time to look for a shelter. The storm may be coming. God can be a comfort to you from his word.

Psalm 62 has been especially important to me. I commissioned Jamin to paint a picture that represented Psalm 62 so that our family could look at it and be reminded of the shelter we have in God.

The painting has been a visual cue for me.

When I’m disoriented, remember PS 62. Remember the God behind the Psalm.

Psalm 62

1 I am at rest in God alone;

my salvation comes from him.

2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my stronghold; I will never be shaken.

Verse 1 – 2  David states his position. I am at Rest in God alone.

Rest is a ceasing from work and activity. I am still and quiet in God alone.

The stronghold was a natural rock formation, maybe on a high mountain where an army could run to when they were under attack.

From this stronghold, the army could mount a strong defense.

When we experience trauma, we need a secure place.

In trauma we can feel like no place is secure, but David here is stating – God alone is my secure place.

If you are a follower of Jesus – You have a secure refuge.

Colossians 3:3 Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

Romans 8:34 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Nothing will separate from Christ.

In Christ you are safe and secure.

I imagine those people in the bank safe in WF on April 10, 1979 wondered as they heard the building around them crumbling… “Will this thing hold?” “Will we be safe?”

In Christ you are safe and secure but when trauma comes we wonder “Will this shelter hold?”

In Verse 3 – 4 David describes the attack he is facing.

3 How long will you threaten a man?

Will all of you attack

as if he were a leaning wall

or a tottering fence?

4 They only plan to bring him down

from his high position.

They take pleasure in lying;

they bless with their mouths,

but they curse inwardly

David is facing a verbal assault.

It is thought that the context of the Psalm is when David is under attack by His son Absalom.

Absalom does not attack David physically but he attacks David’s character. Absalom is trying to steal the throne from his father. David knows the attack begins verbally but it will turn into a physical attack, so David is on the run.

2 Samuel 15:2-7
He (Absalom) would get up early and stand beside the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone had a grievance to bring before the king for settlement, Absalom called out to him and asked, “What city are you from?” If he replied, “Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel,” 3 Absalom said to him, “Look, your claims are good and right, but the king does not have anyone to listen to you.” 4 He added, “If only someone would appoint me judge in the land. Then anyone who had a grievance or dispute could come to me, and I would make sure he received justice.” 5 When a person approached to pay homage to him, Absalom reached out his hand, took hold of him, and kissed him. 6 Absalom did this to all the Israelites who came to the king for a settlement. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

Absalom lied about his father.
The king does not have time for you Absalom said, but if I were to judge, I would make time for you and your complaints.

David the strong warrior King has been deceived and betrayed by his son.

The relational trauma is devestating.

I think maybe David would rather be fighting against a lion or bear or giant rather than fighting against his own son.

In this Psalm after recounting the hatred and deception he feels from his son, David speaks to himself. He reminds himself of his secure position.

Read this next section aloud with me.

5 Rest in God alone, my soul,

for my hope comes from him.

6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my stronghold; I will not be shaken.

7 My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock.

My refuge is in God.

8 Trust in him at all times, you people;

pour out your hearts before him.

God is our refuge.

Verse 5 – 6 is a repetition of verses 1 and 2 with 3 variations.

  1. David is emphatically talking to himself. He says. Listen here soul… you will rest in God alone. David is bossing himself around.
  2. The phrase “I will not be shaken” is a little different in this section.

Here in verse 6 David is more emphatic. I will NOT be shaken. There is no debate. His position is secure. He will not yield.
Take it to the bank, I’m going to hold fast because my refuge is in God.

  1. David says that his salvation and glory depend on God. Glory is an addition in this section. God is not only his salvation but God will also defend David’s honor.

David says, My salvation AND GLORY depend on God

Relational trauma cuts deep. David’s own son is coming against him but David rather than defending His honor against says – I depend on God. Even if my son bad-mouths me, I will let God defend me.

Picture David now in the rock fortress and He turns to the people following Him and says

Trust him at all times and when things are dire like they are now.

You can pour out your heart to Him.

Why? Because God is our refuge.

There is an interesting contrast in this section.

Rest in God alone – Be quiet and still before Him

Pour out your heart before Him.

Which is it? Be quiet and still or pour out your heart – It is both.

The focus is not the activity (rest or cry out) the focus is on GOD as the refuge.

I like to get better. I wonder if in our desire for constant improvement we focus on TECHNIQUE and not the TEACHER.

How do I become a better husband. How do I become a better speaker. How do I become a better… How do I fix this problem in my life… What technique do I use to resolve this dilemma?

David’s dilemma must have been maddening.

God – you called me to be King of this nation, but now my own son is lying about me and seeking the throne that you have given to me… how do I fix this?

God’s answer to David. You don’t fix this – your salvation and glory depends on Me.

Sometimes the right question is not a HOW question, it is a WHO question.

WHO will David turn to? WHO should the people turn to?

Who do I turn to when I experience trauma?

When there are problems too difficult for me to fix, who do I turn to?

Who do you turn to when there are problems that are above your paid grade?

Counselors are helpful. I’ve gone to counseling.

Techniques are important. This painting is a technique – a visual cue.

WHO do your counselors point you to?

WHO does this painting remind me of?

Rest in GOD Alone

Pour out your heart to HIM

Then David continues by pointing out some places of false hope for protection.

9 Common people are only a vapor;

important people, an illusion.

Together on a scale,

they weigh less than a vapor.

10 Place no trust in oppression

or false hope in robbery.

If wealth increases,

don’t set your heart on it.


Two false places of security – Important People and Possessions

There are no important people.

If you have an important position, it is from God.

Psalm 75 – No one from the east or the west or the desert exalts a man, it is God who raises one up and puts down another.

If you have a position of power, you have this position to serve others. If you have a     position of influence, in a sense you have earned it because you have been faithful, but God is the one who has enabled your faithfulness. You are faithful, he brings the fruit.

What do you have that you did not receive from God?

When I look around this room… I see a bunch of commoners

When you look up here what do you see… a commoner

If you went to the halls of congress or sat in the oval office who would you interact with… commoners.

I am grateful though for the common people that God has put into my life. Jamin can paint an inspiring painting. He uses his God-given gifts to point me to the reality of Psalm 62.



Luke 12:15 Jesus warning – “Take care and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.

Wealth is a false hope. You will spend your life getting it just to spend it and in the end of your life it will be either used up or given to someone else.

This passage is not against riches, or against power.

It is against setting your hope on riches and the illusion of being important.

Listen to the final verse of David’s song.

11 God has spoken once;

I have heard this twice:

strength belongs to God,

12 and faithful love belongs to you, Lord.

For you repay each according to his works.

What are the two things here that belong to God?

Strength and Faithful Love.

Strength belongs to God.

How much strength does God have for you? He has enough. It belongs to Him.
Go to him and ask for strength. When we experience trauma we need strength to press on.

Psalm 29:11 says God gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.

It’s vacation season. Tiffany and I went away a couple of weeks ago. We had a refreshing time together. When things are difficult it is nice to get away.

Getting away is helpful, but strength belongs to God. When we need strength, we can go to Him and ask for strength.

I’m not anti-vacation.

I’m anti – thinking a vacation will give us what we need. If we need a vacation so that we have time to go to God for strength, OK, but God is the one who strengthens us.

Faithful love belongs to God.

Everytime I come across the words Faithful love in the Psalms, I underline them.

Faithful love is a turning point for many of the darker lament Psalms.

Psalm 13 How long Oh Lord, will you forget me forever?… But I have trusted in your faithful love.

I feel forgotten, but I call to mind your faithful love. Calling to mind faithful love gives me strength to press on.

Faithful love is a translation of the Hebrew word Hesed. Sometimes it is translated steadfast love, sometimes mercy.

Hesed is defined as an ACT of promise keeping loyalty that is MOTIVATED by deep personal care.

Hesed is an ACT

When Israel sang together of God’s faithful love they thought of God’s act of rescuing them from Egypt. He did not leave them in their slavery but He rescued them.


Hesed is MOTIVATED by deep personal care.

God had affection for His people. Why? Because He is God. He is love. His affection for them is rooted in His character.

Earlier this week I was in a hospital room with a friend and her mother. Her mother was at the end of her life. She was lying in a hospital bed alive but unresponsive.

In that moment I thought, God loves this woman laying in this hospital bed.

I touched the arm of the woman in the bed and I said, Jesus loves you. He has loved you all your life.

When this woman’s body was strong God loved her. All the way to her last breath and beyond, God loves her. Why? Because He is Love.

When the storm of trauma rolls in it is natural to think – does God love us?

Yes – His love is faithful.

When we sing of God’s faithful love, we think back to Christ’s Death on the Cross. He entered into our trauma stricken world and died a traumatic death so that we could have new life in Christ.

No one will escape the trauma of death.

Have you trusted his faithful love and strength to keep you from eternal death?

If you have, you are secure. You can keep trusting Him.

If you have not, you can trust Him today and find strength for each day.

Now we are faced with the final line of David’s song…

The Lord will repay each according to his work.

David started his song with Rest and He ended the song with Work.

Which is it? Should I rest or should I work?

Again the right question is not a HOW question, it is a WHO question.

If you need an answer to the HOW question… that’s easy.

You ready for it… Obey what is written in God’s word.

When the bible says, give generously, then give generously

When the bible says trust him and not just your understanding, then trust him.

When the bible says forgive one another as Christ has forgiven you… just do it

Easy right?

Here’s where it gets hard – WHO will you turn to when you don’t have the strength to forgive?

WHO will you turn to when as best you know how you are living faithfully but not getting the results you expected?

WHO will you pour your heart out to when you are hurting?

Again the right question is not a HOW question, it is a WHO question.

When the sirens sound signaling a storm, that is not the time to make plans to find shelter.

When trauma emerges in your life that is not the right time to make plans for shelter.

God is our shelter. He provides comfort and peace in his word.

Over the last three years – I have been desperate for shelter and comfort. I have immersed myself in Psalms. I have done three things

(1)I have done what David did in Psalm 62. I spoke the truth to myself. “Listen here soul, you will rest in God alone, your hope comes from Him.

Follow David’s example – tell yourself what to do and to find your rest in God.

(2)I’ve listened to David’s instructions and Trust in God at ALL times.

The most profound example I have had of trusting in God was when my dad was sick.

Every morning at breakfast he would pray, “Thank You God for this Good Day.”

How do you know it is a good day? The day hasn’t started yet. You probably didn’t sleep good last night. You have a bib on Dad because you can barely feed yourself. Talking is a chore. Walking is almost impossible. How could this be a good day?

Circumstances did not determine if the day was good. The reality of God and the truth of His word is what made the day a good day.

Romans 8:28 has new application for me. You God work all things for good. My dad was trusting when the day began that that day would be a good day because God is good.

(3)Pour out your heart to Him. Many of those prayers in the Psalms are messy.

In your private times, speak your prayers to God. Write them down. Don’t look for just the right words. Dump out the thoughts and feelings of your heart to him.

My best prayers are the 2 word prayers that I found in Psalms.

Help me. Guide me. Deliver Me. Keep Me. Strengthen Me. Give me Life.

Immerse yourself in the Psalms and learn to pour out your heart to HIM

As I’ve immersed myself in the Psalms – I have found a WHO and not a WHAT.

Yes I have been instructed on HOW to live but those instructions have come from a real being.

I want to know HOW to change a circumstance in my life but I realize the HOW is above my paygrade. I rest in God ALONE and wait for him. Is it easy? No it is work, but it is worth it.

I told Tiffany yesterday as we were driving home from Cheney. I can’t find the words to explain this but as I’ve soaked my mind in God’s word – I’ve encountered God. I wish I could describe it better but he is just real and present.

Psalm 119:57 The LORD IS MY PORTION.

I love him. I am more happy in Him than ever and at the same time more sad than ever, more desperate than ever and more hopeful than ever.

It is wonderful and mysterious.



When I read, reflect and pray on a Psalm like Psalm 25 I encounter God.


Lord, I appeal to YOU

My God I trust in YOU

Do not let me be disgraced.

“I sometimes feel disgraced. I feel like I have failed. I’m afraid of failing.”

Do not let my enemy gloat over me.

This is my hope God – NO ONE, NO ONE who waits for YOU will be disgraced

Those who act treacherously without cause will be disgraced.

“Oh God keep me from acting treacherously. I am so angry at times. Help me.”

I do need help with the HOW.

Make YOUR ways known to me LORD

Teach me in YOUR paths.

Guide me in YOUR truth and teach me.

For YOU YOU ARE the God of my salvation.

I wait WE wait for YOU all day long.


Psalm 13

I will trust in your faithful love.

I will sing because you have been generous to me.


Let’s sing together.