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2 Corinthians 2:12-36 Discussion Guide

By March 26, 2023Small Group Study Guide

Introduction: Tell about a time when you felt uncomfortable or weak. How did you respond?

Or if you can’t think of a time, describe your tendency.


Read: 2 Cor 2:12-3:6

Explain: The context was they had been marked by immaturity, and now were tempted to be impressed – and led astray – by others.

Q1: What are you tempted to be impressed by?
In what ways do you desire to impress others?

Explain: Paul modeled the message of this book – God’s power is made perfect in weakness – in this passage. The first way the text shows this is through Paul’s waiting (2:12-13).

Q2: Who has God used in your life for good? How were they patient with you?

Q3: God is calling you to be patient with everyone. Speak to how does that looks in specific ways?
Consider how God might use your faithful patience for His glory and their good.

Explain: The second way Paul models power in weakness is through losing (2:14-16). The Paul does this by alluding to the Roman triumphus – which was designed to celebrate one man, the victorious conqueror. And Paul puts the God-Man in that spot of exclusive honor. Consider reading what Paul wrote in Phil 3:7-8 in order to help your group understand “losing” rightly.

Q4: Reflect on your life – how has the Lord grown you in living like Jesus is the all-sufficient reason for everything?

Explain: Our place (in the Roman Triumphas) as Christians is simply to be the smell that shows & tells everyone everywhere of the conqueror’s great glory.

Q5: Since no one lives this perfectly, what’s a gap in your Christian life? (both among believers, and unbelievers).

Q6: What is a practical next step for you to close that gap?

Q7: Consider – how would your weakness be exposed in that process?
Consider even more – how wonderful it would be to know God’s power in the midst of that weakness.

Explain: The third way Paul models power in weakness is actively waiting (2:17-3:3). Paul answers the question they ask about the legitimacy of his ministry.

Q8: Who have you trusted to invest in your life?

Q9: Who are you seeking to invest in?

This is available (& commanded; Mt 28:18-20) to all who know Christ no matter your circumstances. All that’s needed is commitment to walk with God and walk with people.

Explain: The fourth way Paul models power in weakness is by trusting the All-Sufficient Lord, NOT himself (3:4-6).

Q10: Think about the next “thing” you have coming up in your life. What would it look like to approach and execute that out trusting the All-Sufficient Lord, and not yourself?

Expect God’s power to be made perfect through our weakness.