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Titus 3:1-15 Discussion Guide


Titus 3

Pray: Pray that the Spirit will guide and empower your discussion today. Ask Him to speak clearly to your group.

Opening Group Discussion Questions: As you reflect on the sermon this week, how did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart? Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

In a Nutshell: Titus could not afford to have a failure of nerve…too much was at stake. Titus must live with biblical balance. Truth is essential because ideas have consequences. Truth must show up in our ethical choices and how we live our lives. As Titus (and us) engaged with people, he had to live a life of biblical balance.

Read and Discuss vv. 1-15

  • Summarize these verses in your own words.
  • Terry talked about living with balance. Discuss how we find that balance in this passage?
  • How does this balance help us have situational awareness? How does it help us act in appropriate ways in complex situations?
  • Terry made the following statement: “We cannot run from conflict and controversy…we must not keep our mouths shut when it is important that we speak…we have to courage. But if we speak and debate virtually everything…if we get into the weeds about things that are not of ultimate importance. Then when we do speak the truth no one is going to listen or care.” Do you agree with this? Share your thoughts with the group.
  • Living our lives with balance helps us to have situational awareness, it eliminates pride and insecurity. Discuss the different ways this has played out in your life and the lives of others you know.


To live with biblical balance—go back to the gospel truth found in this chapter.

5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”

We must live in community out of our acceptance in Christ…not trying to please and appease everyone all the time. This takes training in godliness…it takes balance. Do the hard work of living with balance as you train for godliness.

*How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your heart today? What personal implications can you make from today’s discussion? Ask yourself, “What do I need God to do in me or through me due to today’s discussion?”

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