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Titus 2:1-15 Discussion Guide


Titus 2:1-15

Pray: Pray that the Spirit will guide and empower your discussion today. Ask Him to speak clearly to your group.

Opening Group Discussion Questions: As you reflect on the sermon this week, how did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart? Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

In a Nutshell: You can summarize chapter 2 with the following statement: Ideals have consequences!

Question: How does “Ideas have consequences” ring true with the passage?

Read and Discuss vv. 1-5

  • What is the main point of these verses, and how would you summarize them in your own words?
  • Why is it so important to teach “sound doctrine”? What are some pitfalls that come to mind if you don’t?
  • Reflect on the character traits listed in the verses. Why do you suppose Paul mentions them here?

Read and Discuss vv. 6-10

  • What role does self-control play in the life of a believer?
  • Again, look at the character traits listed. How do they challenge you?
  • How can you speak and live these traits out in front of others?
  • How does living with self-control make the gospel attractive?
  • What can you do today, to make sure you’re carrying yourself in a way that points people to Jesus in all you do?

Read and Discuss vv. 11-15

  • What do these verses teach us about the grace of God?
  • How does the grace of God empower us to say “no” to all that is not of God and “yes” to the freedom of self-control and a life of living in line with God’s will—His good and beautiful truth?


Let God’s grace empower you to live with self-control. Self-control sounds like the opposite of grace, but it is not. We must see “self-control” as an opportunity, a gift to be embraced and enjoyed. We submit our will to Christ. He is Lord, and in him is freedom from sin, guilt, and death. We exercise authority over our passions by our grace-empowered will, and as we do, we experience freedom from the devastation of unbridled passion and sin.

*How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your heart today? What personal implications can you make from today’s discussion? Ask yourself, “What do I need God to do in me or through me due to today’s discussion?”

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