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2 Timothy 4:1-22 Discussion Guide


2 Timothy 4

In a Nutshell: Terry began his sermon by talking about truth. He shared the story of Jesus before Pilate, when Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Terry said this conversation summarizes the condition of the world in 2022. Our presuppositions about truth have consequences, so it matters what we believe. “What is truth” is the most important question of all time. “I am the truth” is the most important answer ever given to the most important question. Today, we finish Paul’s letters to Timothy. As Paul is about to be killed for the truth, he is pouring out truth to Timothy so that he would put his full weight on the truth.

Pray: Pray that the Spirit will guide and empower your discussion today. Ask Him to speak clearly to your group.

Opening Group Discussion Questions: As you reflect on the sermon this week, how did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart? Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

Read and discuss vv. 1-5

  • Terry said he sees this passage as an “oath of office.” How would you sum up Paul’s Charge to Timothy?
  • Why is this Oath/charge so important?
  • What if this charge were given to you personally? Do you sometimes have “itching ears”? What is the antidote?
  • What can you do to make sure you remain “sober-minded”?
  • How does the charge challenge and strengthen you? What are the implications for us today from this charge?

Read and Discuss vv. 6-8

  • Summarize this passage in your own words? Think about Paul’s example and encouragement. Does it spur you on? How so?
  • Read verse 7—Paul is full of confidence, this is not gloomy, woe as me, my life is over, and it is terrible. It is upbeat, the “Good” fight, I’ve “Finished” the race and “Kept” the faith. Paul was faithful. Does this encourage you? How so?

Read and Discuss vv. 9-22

  • Terry didn’t spend much time on Paul’s personal remarks to finish his letter. His takeaway/Bottom line: We must measure our lives by faithfulness, not fruitfulness. We must live a “right” column life. Be faithful in the “right” column with the choices we have to make. Leave the “left” column to God. We cannot control what we cannot control. Worry is an attempt at control, a fruitless attempt. Faithfulness is always forward momentum. Worry, bitterness, and trying to control others are sideways movements at best and backward movements at their worst.


Be a man/woman of truth—have confidence in the gospel, and grow in that confidence over time! Don’t become skeptical of being able to know the truth. You only need accurate and adequate truth to do well—you don’t need perfect truth.

*How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your heart today? What personal implications can you make from today’s discussion? Ask yourself, “What do I need God to do in me or through me due to today’s discussion?”

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