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1 Timothy 5:1-25 Discussion Guide


1 Timothy 5

Group Discussion Questions:

How did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart as you reflect on the sermon this week?

Was there a verse/passage that stood out to you? Share why the verse or passage struck you.

In a Nutshell

Terry started his sermon by talking about eternity, seeing what is eternal, and often what is just below the surface in many people’s lives, and authority, who you will trust. He began this way to center us, and because this chapter in Paul’s letter to Timothy can look mundane, a logistical list of stuff to do and not do that seems to be out of touch with real and important things in the world and in our lives. But we need to see this chapter in its larger context. Paul is writing to a young pastor struggling to live and teach the truth in the face of opposition and trials. Essentially Paul is telling Timothy, “Here’s some stuff I’ve learned to get important things done so you can get the essential thing done. Make the gospel known—proclaim the truth of God.” Of course, caring for widows is important and God-honoring, but it must not take Timothy away from the church’s core mission to make disciples of the nations. We absolutely want to take care of each other, celebrate, and serve, but we are a missional peopleThe Great Commission is the mission of the church—it must stay primary.

Read and discuss the following questions.

  • Terry began with a story about spending time with the middle school girls’ small group. He began his comments to the girls with this thought: Really, all questions of importance to humans start with the question of authority. Who will you trust? Why is the question of authority the first and most important one? What are some personal implications for your own life?
  • Terry said, “Paul focuses Timothy on the truth of God because it is the foundation for beliefs, values, and behavior.” Do you agree with this statement? Why? How have you seen this statement played out in your own life or the life of others?
  • The things listed in this chapter can be seen as “good things to do.” How does Ephesians 2:8-10 shed light on the “good things” we do? What does it tell us about the Gospel and why we do the “good things” we do?
  • Terry stated that we are a missional people. What does it mean to be a missional person? What are the implications for our small group? For you personally? As you go about your own life, what are some of the things that can tend to keep you from focusing on the mission of the Church? What can you do personally to the mission primary in your own life?
  • Terry asked and answered the following question: “Do all issues like dealing with widows, selecting leaders, and drinking some wine for your stomach—look like details in search of a larger purpose? Answer: No, Paul’s details always have the larger purpose of the gospel behind them.”

Discuss Terry’s answer. Is it helpful? How can we keep the main thing, the main thing? How do we take care of the important, but stay focused on the eternal? Share your thoughts with the group.

Application: Keep your eyes fixed on what is eternal “Do what is important, focus on the essential” How did the Holy Spirit speak to your heart today? What personal implications can you make? What do I need God to do in me or through me due to today’s discussion?

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