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Proverbs – Week 7 Study Guide

PROVERBS 3: Trusting in the LORD—A call to Become Passionate About the Pursuit of Wisdom


Question: In Terry’s opening he talked about the difference between “resume virtues” and “eulogy virtues”. What was he talking about? Can you describe the differences between the two?

Answer: “Resume virtues” are the kinds of things that get you hired…sometimes called “performance character” things that allow you to be self-controlled, accomplish tasks, work skills, etc. “Eulogy virtues” are things like, character, gratitude, social intelligence, and self-control over emotions like anger, they are things people would value at your funeral.

Biblical Wisdom teaches us how to be skilled in being human, as God designed us to be. In a real sense, people who have a growing resume of “eulogy virtues”— are people who are becoming like Christ.

OBJECTIVE/ STUDY: This week we want to wrestle with “Trusting in the Lord”—a key component to growing in wisdom and becoming skilled at living life as God intended.

READ: Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. (CSB)

DISCUSSION 1: Trust the Lord

Q1: What is meant by “Trust in the LORD with all your heart”? What does this look like? What is meant by “heart”?

Answer: Put your full confidence in what God has said to be true and real, not on your own personal resources like your mind, emotions, intentions—all the things that go into how we understand ourselves, others and situations. It doesn’t mean we cannot trust any of our conclusions, it means that if we come to a situation where we are convinced God has said one thing, and we think otherwise, we are not to put weight on ourselves (lean on our understanding), but rather on God.

Heart in Hebrew refers to one’s emotions but more often to his intellect (such as understanding, discernment, reflection, or will).

Q2: “In all your ways know him” what does that mean?

Answer: Every area of our lives must be turned over to His control. We must have no will of our own, only a single pure desire to know His will and to do it. This will take practice!

Q3: Look at the second part of verse 6, if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, what happens?

Answer: If these conditions are met, the promise is that God shall direct our paths. He may do it through the Bible, through the advice of godly Christians, through the marvelous converging of circumstances, through the inward peace of the Spirit, or through a combination of these. But if we wait, He will make the guidance so clear that to refuse would be positive disobedience.

DISCUSSION 2: Personal Reflection

Q1 Think of specifics in your life…not generalities

How can you put the full weight of your confidence in the Lord and not on self?

-What might it look like to really take God at His word in some practical, actionable way?

TWO APPLICATIONS: Inner Decision / External Help

  1. Inner decision: what do you really want?
  • Be precise…what needs to happen?
  • Is this right? Then decide to head that way.
  1. External help: you will likely not be successful without help from someone else.
  • Who will you enlist to help you…what is their name, what will you ask them, when will you ask them?

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